Day 4
Suprisingly, today was actually a very hard day... I thought I had just gotten less sugar addicted and a bit stronger, but going to a restaurant with my boyfriend really tested me. I could have chosen nachos or a burger, but I ordered vegetables and pasta (the reason why I mention the vegetables before the pasta is that there were almost no pasta) and water. When we walked home from the city, we walked just by my favorite bakery and I looked at all the delicious cakes, literally drooling, and then I walked away - just like that.To make matters worse, my mother asked me if I wanted to go buy some candy for myself and I said no. Again.
I felt like I was Job and that God was testing me.
So, I decided it was time to write down my measurements so that I can later on look back and see how my body has developed. Here it goes:
Upper thigh: 22,4 inches
Hip: 33,5 inches
Waist: 28,3 inches
Upper arm: 10,6 inches
To get rid of the fat on my body i skipped with my jumping rope doing about 15 reps of 1 minute each. One minute doesn't sound that hard, but trust me, it was deadly!