Day 6
Prepare yourselves for some pitiful whining...
I should've been training today, but my knees are hurting a bit and I'm simply way too tired to do almost anything hard, so instead I'm going for a walk for about an hour - this is really great to do when you have no energy because if you walk fast enough, you burn calories and you will sleep a lot easier if you have inhaled fresh air and if you have pain in the back or in any joint this will most likely ease up the pain.
Enough with the whining...
My stomach has started bloating and my skin gets worse day by day - even though I'm eating healthier than I've done in years. This is, however, just a sign that I'm doing i right - and that I've been eating in the wrong way for a long time. Hopefully it will all get better in a couple of days.
I've gained 6,6 pounds so it's time for me to take a grip and really start working out with a vengeance! In the holidays I've lain too much in bed. All the healthy food has just been a lot to take in (haha, so funny) and I have been struggling so much that I haven't had the energy to work out that much, but I'm sure I'll soon get a boost of energy! You can't just lay down for almost a whole day and then work out for 20 to 60 minutes if you really wanna treat your body nicely. Of course it's better than doing nothing, but it's also very important to keep you body going.
"The solution"
So I've decided to buy a Pilates DVD and when I get it, I'm going to work out every morning. The reason why it's good to do it in the morning is, that it gives you a boost of energy for the rest of the day so you will have reserves of energy to do cardio after work or school and in addition to that you will find it easier to fall asleep in the evening. But to be fresh enough to get up in the morning an hour earlier I also have to get a good night sleep.
For motivation I think that you should all see this picture. Even just staring at the lump of fat makes me sick and I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get a cellulite-free and tight body!
PS. I honestly have no idea what that pen is doing on the fat...